
this is where I'll post all my opinions.....

The Mens Right to equality

Women have fought long and hard for their rights to equality now its men to turn to fight for (reverse?) equality…

What do I mean by reverse equality? Well brothers we have blindly lost our equality rights. Guys do not have the right to play on a guy’s only team, yet we are not allowed to play on a girl’s only team. In the society of today there is no longer a true equality. Instead we have turned into a boat that is tipping to one side and leaving one of the genders to drown. Always the chivalrous ones guys have been doing the bold thing and moving to the side that is going under and allowing the ladies to crawl over them to the side that is above the water. We have allowed the ladies to move over the boundary of equality, we have allowed the ladies to turn
"boys only" into "boys and girls", but we have not fought for girls only to be turned into boys and girls. I say it is time to turn this boat back up right and stop tipping it to one side.

I believe in equality, but the equality where guys can have
guys only and girls can still have girls only. I believe that when the activity is appropriate we should have girls and guys events. We should have the right to do an activity with our own genders without having the whole equality thing to worry about. Some of you may be thinking “What is he on?” … but I have experienced this first hand, I expect to play on a guys only team but only to find that girls have joined. One day out of curiosity I asked the head guy if I could join a girl’s team and he said that it wasn't allowed they should be allowed to play a game without a guy on their team. I then asked him why can't we have a guys only team then and he said well it’s because girls should be able to play on a guys team if they want....... ????  …. That does not make sense to me....