Articles I've Written

                                                                                                                                   R vs. R                                                                                          
                                                                                                                           Rude vs. Respect
                                                                                                                              by Jesse Darby

People never cease to amaze me no matter how old they get. Lately I have noticed how rude people are; especially the adults of this day and age. This article does hit hard, I am addressing the topic because I see it as a problem that needs to be fixed!

Being adults many people, especially kids, look up to us; but that is a BIG problem with each rude generation actions get worse and worse and people get more hostile towards each other. This has proven itself to me in the last two months, three examples would be:

While walking off the ferry on July 3rd around 8:45, two ladies in their late 20’s early 30’s accidently bumped into each other and, to my surprise, instead of apologising they started shouting at each other and calling each other words and names that are not acceptable to repeat.

About a month back while coming out of superstore with my mom, a fellow asked her for some spare change and when my mom truthfully replied she had none he started calling her offensive names and words.

In Quebec I went to watch a hockey game, and when the national anthem was being played I couldn’t sing it in French, so I sang along in English and people began yelling and throwing stuff at me.

Is this what you want the next generation to be like? We, as adults, have to compose ourselves! How are we supposed to teach the next generation, when our generation is having its own problems as well? How is the next generation supposed to learn from us when we are being so hypocritical? The World is going be knocking at our door in less than 7 months! We need to work on being a more polite nation, everyone needs to be VERY self aware! How do you want the world to view Canada, to be more specific how do you want the world to see the (lower mainland’s/valleys/Islands) people?

Canada is looked at now, by other nations, as a very peaceful nation; but I’m starting to doubt that now and I’m an 18 year old who was born here in this Beautiful country now turning sour.

Don’t get me wrong there are many good people out there who do respect others and will do anything to make you feel happy and wanted.

But the population of people who are not as polite are growing steadier! Bullies are even starting to emerge even Where we thought impossible back in the early 1990’s (specifically the computer, internet bullies) don’t you find this disgusting? It has to be stopped don’t you think?  I have said this time and time again, we as the people of Canada have to respect each other! WHO GIVES IF WE ARE DIFFERENT, why should any of us care if that person looks weird, or they don’t talk right? How old are we, did we see the number in our shoe and decided that was our age?

To bring it all together, I have noticed how our country has grown into a nation of people, who are rude, self centered, and bullies have become a bigger problem, exc. exc. exc. exc. and there is only a limited population of people who treat each other and other races with Respect, politeness, courtesy, and hospitality. The only people who can fix the problem are the people who belong to this country, how can we fix this? Start with respecting everyone around each other.

 “Treat others with how you would want people to treat you”

                                                                                                                            WEAR PINK; DEAR NEW WESTMINSTER
                                                                                                                                                by Jesse Darby

This article is geared toward being sent into the news paper as a letter:

Greetings Editor,
Last year, I wrote a letter to the Record about wearing pink, and how two teenagers started this campaign by standing up for a kid who was being bullied. This year, we are continuing the campaign and Wear Pink Day is to be held on two separate days in BC; one on the 25th of February and the other on the second Thursday at the beginning of the school year. The reason why we wear pink is to tell bullies that we won’t put up with them, and to let the victims of bullying know that there is support for them. Bullying is a major problem in our society today. Bullying has increased in variety from physical, verbal, and emotional bullying; to using tools such as the Internet. The sad part is there is virtually no escaping from the grasp of bullying. A person can even be bullied with out even realizing it, and by the time the damage has been done there is little the victim can do to defend against it (an example of this would be the ubiquitous spreading rumours). Bullying is a criminal offence. According to the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms under section 7:

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”

This statute says that we have the right to feel safe and secure, and when someone bullies another person, in any way, they are working against this act to make that person (their victim) feel insecure; therefore breaking a law.
Bullying can be stopped; it can be totally abolished! But this can only happen when complete respect for others begins. The respect I’m advocating is not only that we stop inflicting harm on others, but that we go further and begin helping and caring for others. If you see an elderly citizen who is carrying a bag and is struggling with the weight of the object in that bag - help them out. If a person drops all his/her books and papers - help him/her pick them up. If a friend is talking to you and is spreading rumours about someone else, don’t listen; in fact tell them you don’t want to hear that sort of stuff. If you are on public transit and a person who has a disability (either by age, or medical condition) gets on the vehicle and there are no seats left, offer yours. Open a door for someone (what does it hurt?). Respect helps us feel good about ourselves, and others will appreciate all you have done to make them feel comfortable and welcome. So let’s make another stand this year, and show the bullies that our community won’t tolerate their behaviour! Let’s show everyone that we are a community who respects each other. Join me in Wearing Pink on February 25th.

Jesse Darby (gr. 12)
                                                                               WEAR PINK SPEECH
                                                                                   by Jesse Darby

This is the first article I ever wrote it made it into a news paper so you can just click on the following link to view it: http://www.canada.com/newwestrecord/news/sports/story.html?id=79d93928-d188-43f3-8e39-9499d9c1e7dc

Videos of my wear pink Campaign.....

Audio of my Wear Pink Campaign